Party starts with our chairman of the board Mr. Arakawa's new year speech.
The president Mr. Mashita's speech followed.
Senior managing director Mr. Suzuki's “Cheers!” with a powerful voice.
The image of Tokyo branch office's new years party was broadcasted on the screen.
Members of head office, Osaka branch office and Seto distribution center gathered in Nagoya.
Fresh-cooked dishes lined up. It all looks so delicious!
Communicating with other section's members.Everyone looks to be so enjoying.
Talking with executive officers with alcohols on their hands.
Charming smiles of website devision's member, Ms. Sato, Ms. Hasegawa and Ms. Nagahisa.
Ms. Kodama and Mr. Ashino chatting with the Board Director Ms. Minamoto.
Time pasts by with great dishes and fun communications.
Ms. Hikita, awarded for proposing good improvement , looks to be deeply filled with emotion.
Broadcating with hall in Tokyo, Ms. Ozaki in the center of the screen awarded a prize for making vigorous efforts.
Prize of president was awarded to a dandy Mr. Shibuya, the executive officer.
Through the screen a big applause was given from members in Nagoya.
Everyone bending their ear to the president's speech.
Being touched by president's kind words.
Lucky men and women for this year, according to the Chinese Zodiac.
Annual performance by the new members. Japanese Konto first enlivened the atmosphere of the hall.
Powerful yell arouse the audience to enthusiasm.
Members in Tokyo branch office, striking poses perfectly.
Dance performance with really sharp moves. How high the quality was!
Everyone were excited by their performance.
Some couldn't stop taking photos.
The hall was surrounded with laughter.
Commemorative picture after the performance. Good job!
The annual Bingo tournament!
Which prize could we get?
Everyone looks to be enjoying the game.
Nice smiles with prizes awarded!
What kind of prizes did they received?
Delighted to get many cute stuffs!
The prize from general managers, which everyone were eager to receive.
And the Board director's prize. Congratulation!!
Commemorative picture with the members who won prizes in the Bingo tournament. So many were rewarded!
Closing speech was done by the Managing Executive Officer Mr. Yamashita.
The party ended with 3 sets of 3-3-7 claps, the Japanese traditional style, praying for more development of Marushin.
New year party at Tokyo side. It was held at restaurant Toh-Ten-Koh.
Commemorative picture with members in Tokyo branch office.
Visiting Hie Shrine for worshipping, making a cheerful first step of 2018.
The party was hold at this place.
Dishes will line up here.
“50th Anniversary for Marushin -Assembly ωfor appreciation and development-” The party will starts now!
The party schedule written.
Members of general affairs section and accounting section worked as front desk clerks.
Marushin member's entering!
The Chairman, President, Vice President and Executive Adviser entering the hall.
The party started with the Chairman's speech.
It was about the 50 years history of Marushin he has built until now.
The President's speech followed.
As the Chairman, he also retraced the 50 years' history.
The Executive Adviser and Vice President.
The Chairman looks to be enjoying the party.
The speech of Executive Adviser.
Recognizing the members who served long in the firm.
Members who were awarded for long service.
Present of 50 roses' bouquet from vice president to the Chairman with great appreciation.
The 50 roses' bouquets were givin to Chairman, President and Executive Adviser from Vice President―with great appreciation.
The Vice President's ”Cheers!”
Celebrating with Sake.
Enjoying the party①
Enjoying the party②
Enjoying the party③
Memorable shot①
Memorable shot②
Memorable shot③
The Designer, Ms Minamoto with Chairman and Executive Adviser.
Member of general affair section, who worked hard for planning this party.
Executive Officers listening to Mr.Suzuki's speech for closing.
Mr.Suzuki's emotional speech moved all the member's heart.
The Chairman and Mr.Suzuki talking afterward. The Chairman's words were filled with regards.
The Chairman, President, Executive Adviser and the Vice President leaving.
After party we enjoyed Ukai! (Japanese traditional event enjoying watching cormorant fishing.)
The dandy boss, Mr. Shibuya!
Shot of ladies of Marushin, at Mt. Narita.
After praying at Mt.Narita, we tasted the Omiki (Sacred Sake in Japan).
Shot of ladies in Marushin, at Mt.Narita.
Veterans of Marushin!
The Chairman also looked to have enjoyed this event.
Taking pictures of lady members.
We enjoyed walking the street in Inuyama and got on our way home.
Shot of all members at Mt.Narita.
Party starts with our President's new year speech.
Party ended with our Vice President's speech.
Members who won awards.
Lucky men and women of this year.(According to the Chinese Zodiac)
New Member's performance was suitable for 50th anniversary.
This year's Bingo Tournament. The number of awards were the most comparing to past few years.
Splendid dishes as usual.
Everyone enjoyed drinking and communicating.
Chatting with coworkers.
Party starts with our chairman of the board Mr. Arakawa's new year speech.
The president Mr. Mashita's speech followed.
Senior managing director Mr. Suzuki's “Cheers!” with a powerful voice.
The image of Tokyo branch office's new years party was broadcasted on the screen.
Members of head office, Osaka branch office and Seto distribution center gathered in Nagoya.
Fresh-cooked dishes lined up. It all looks so delicious!
Communicating with other section's members.Everyone looks to be so enjoying.
Talking with executive officers with alcohols on their hands.
Charming smiles of website devision's member, Ms. Sato, Ms. Hasegawa and Ms. Nagahisa.
Ms. Kodama and Mr. Ashino chatting with the Board Director Ms. Minamoto.
Time pasts by with great dishes and fun communications.
Ms. Hikita, awarded for proposing good improvement , looks to be deeply filled with emotion.
Broadcating with hall in Tokyo, Ms. Ozaki in the center of the screen awarded a prize for making vigorous efforts.
Prize of president was awarded to a dandy Mr. Shibuya, the executive officer.
Through the screen a big applause was given from members in Nagoya.
Everyone bending their ear to the president's speech.
Being touched by president's kind words.
Lucky men and women for this year, according to the Chinese Zodiac.
Annual performance by the new members. Japanese Konto first enlivened the atmosphere of the hall.
Powerful yell arouse the audience to enthusiasm.
Members in Tokyo branch office, striking poses perfectly.
Dance performance with really sharp moves. How high the quality was!
Everyone were excited by their performance.
Some couldn't stop taking photos.
The hall was surrounded with laughter.
Commemorative picture after the performance. Good job!
The annual Bingo tournament!
Which prize could we get?
Everyone looks to be enjoying the game.
Nice smiles with prizes awarded!
What kind of prizes did they received?
Delighted to get many cute stuffs!
The prize from general managers, which everyone were eager to receive.
And the Board director's prize. Congratulation!!
Commemorative picture with the members who won prizes in the Bingo tournament. So many were rewarded!
Closing speech was done by the Managing Executive Officer Mr. Yamashita.
The party ended with 3 sets of 3-3-7 claps, the Japanese traditional style, praying for more development of Marushin.
New year party at Tokyo side. It was held at restaurant Toh-Ten-Koh.
Commemorative picture with members in Tokyo branch office.
Visiting Hie Shrine for worshipping, making a cheerful first step of 2018.
The party was hold at this place.
Dishes will line up here.
“50th Anniversary for Marushin -Assembly ωfor appreciation and development-” The party will starts now!
The party schedule written.
Members of general affairs section and accounting section worked as front desk clerks.
Marushin member's entering!
The Chairman, President, Vice President and Executive Adviser entering the hall.
The party started with the Chairman's speech.
It was about the 50 years history of Marushin he has built until now.
The President's speech followed.
As the Chairman, he also retraced the 50 years' history.
The Executive Adviser and Vice President.
The Chairman looks to be enjoying the party.
The speech of Executive Adviser.
Recognizing the members who served long in the firm.
Members who were awarded for long service.
Present of 50 roses' bouquet from vice president to the Chairman with great appreciation.
The 50 roses' bouquets were givin to Chairman, President and Executive Adviser from Vice President―with great appreciation.
The Vice President's ”Cheers!”
Celebrating with Sake.
Enjoying the party①
Enjoying the party②
Enjoying the party③
Memorable shot①
Memorable shot②
Memorable shot③
The Designer, Ms Minamoto with Chairman and Executive Adviser.
Member of general affair section, who worked hard for planning this party.
Executive Officers listening to Mr.Suzuki's speech for closing.
Mr.Suzuki's emotional speech moved all the member's heart.
The Chairman and Mr.Suzuki talking afterward. The Chairman's words were filled with regards.
The Chairman, President, Executive Adviser and the Vice President leaving.
After party we enjoyed Ukai! (Japanese traditional event enjoying watching cormorant fishing.)
The dandy boss, Mr. Shibuya!
Shot of ladies of Marushin, at Mt. Narita.
After praying at Mt.Narita, we tasted the Omiki (Sacred Sake in Japan).
Shot of ladies in Marushin, at Mt.Narita.
Veterans of Marushin!
The Chairman also looked to have enjoyed this event.
Taking pictures of lady members.
We enjoyed walking the street in Inuyama and got on our way home.
Shot of all members at Mt.Narita.
Party starts with our President's new year speech.
Party ended with our Vice President's speech.
Members who won awards.
Lucky men and women of this year.(According to the Chinese Zodiac)
New Member's performance was suitable for 50th anniversary.
This year's Bingo Tournament. The number of awards were the most comparing to past few years.
Splendid dishes as usual.
Everyone enjoyed drinking and communicating.
Chatting with coworkers.
President's speech for a new year.
"Cheers!" The Party starts as usual!
Delicious dishes―how gorgeous!
Lucky men and women for this year.(According to the Chinese Zodiac)
Annual perfomance of new members.Superiors danced together this year!
Prizes were awarded to many members for Bingo Tournament.
Our President's speech for a new year.
Party begins with our Vice President's
Enjoying many delicious dishes.
The annual event, new members performance― How wonderful!
Bingo Tournament―Which prize can we get?
Speech from President for a new year.
Speech from our Vice President.
Pumped up for a new year!
Performance by new members!
Bingo! Everyone looks satisfied with their prizes.